The times they are a-changin, according to Bob Dylan. He is not a CPA but was definitely on to something with these lyrics.
Has your company thought about hiring a contract CFO (Chief Financial Officer) versus hiring a traditional, in-house CFO? On Bob Dylan’s behalf, let’s consider a few of the reasons why you might want to consider contract CFO services because the times are a-changing.
As the times change, so does the need for a full-time CFO. If your company is in need of a CFO, consider the advantages listed above to help in your decision with hiring a full-time CFO or a fractional, contract CFO. Please remember to evaluate what your company needs in a CFO and do some research on the outsourcing arrangement that might be the best fit for you.
At Mahoney we offer various small business accounting services for our clients. For additional considerations, please reach out to T.J. Sheldon, Associate Director of the Assurance Solutions Team at Mahoney.
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